Office 365
- Visit
- Login with your school email in the form: [email protected]
(The firstname.lastname part should be the same as what you use with school computers.) - Use the same password that you use with school computers.
- Teachers may use the Teams app to share content, post messages, and/or assignments. After logging into go to Teams.
- You can also download the Teams app on your phone.

Click Teams on the left side to see all the different teams (classes) you are a member of.

Inside a Team, you will find the following tabs at the top:
- Posts: Teachers may post announcements here, or share files or links.
- Files: All files uploaded to the Team are listed here
- Assignments: Teachers may post assignments. Students can "Add work" and "Turn in".

You can use it in the browser, or download a "desktop app"

Teams Assignments
Watch the above video for an explaination of how to hand in work in the Teams assignment area.
- Select an assignment
- Read the instructions
- Open or download attached "Reference material"
- Click "Add work"
- Either select a file in your OneDrive account, Share a link, Create a New Document, or Upload a document from your device
- Click "Turn In"
Teams Chat
To Start a chat session with someone
- Click the "New Chat" icon
- Type the name of who you want to chat with

- Type a message, then press enter or click send icon.

Email - Outlook
- From the home page, select "Outlook"

- Click " + New" to create a new email message

- In the "To" space, start typing a name of another Sunrise user, or an email address
- Add a subject
- Type your message
- Click "Send"

To capture what is on your screen, and save as an image.
Screenshot Windows 10
- Select the Start button, type "snipping tool" in the search box on the taskbar, and then select Snipping Tool from the list of results.
- Click New - And select an area of your screen you want to capture
- Click Save icon - to save the image somewhere (Into Your Pictures Folder)
- Click Copy icon - if you want to copy and paste it into Word or PowerPoint, etc.

Screenshot On Android
- Open the screen that you want to capture. Press the Power button for a few seconds. Then tap Screenshot. If that doesn't work, press and hold the Power and Volume down buttons at the same time for a few seconds.
- You can find the screenshot image in your photos app in a screenshot album.
Screenshot On iOS
- Press the side button and the Home button at the same time. Quickly release both buttons.
- You can find the screenshot image in your photos app.
Email on your phone
You can install a free Outlook app on your phone. Then sign in with and your school password.
Or use the email app you already have:
- iOS Mail app: Settings, scroll down to Mail, tap Accounts > Add Account
- Android Email App: manage accounts, +, exchange
- Android Gmail App: Gmail - menu icon in upper left corner > Settings > Add account > Exchange
- Username: firstname.[email protected]
- Password: (your school password)
- Server address:
- Some teachers may share class OneNote websites with you.
- After logging into go to OneNote and look for class notebooks shared with you.
- You can also click a link from the email you received when a teacher shared the OneNote class with you.

- Online Cloud Storage (Similar to Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, etc)
- From select "OneDrive"
- You can save any type of files to this folder and access them anywhere you have internet.

Word, PowerPoint, Exel Online
- There are online versions of Word, PowerPoint, and Exel that you can use over the internet in your browser.

Share a Document
- With an online document open, click the share button
- Type email address(es) that you want to share with. As you type a name and wait it should give suggestions.
- Decide if you want to let the person edit or just view the document.
Apps for your phone
Look in your phone's app store, or play store to find the following apps:
- Teams
- OneDrive
- Outlook
- Word
- PowerPoint
- OneNote
Install at home
- At home you can click the "Install Office" icon and install the full versions of Word, PowerPoint, Exel, etc on your computer at home